
National projects (Slovenian Research Agency)

Bilateral projects

  • Bilateral research cooperation project between France and SLovenia (BI-FR/20-21-PROTEUS-009), 2020–2021: Circulation of humanistic, scientific and technical knowledge between Slovene regions and French cultural areas (1770–1820), research team member
  • Bilateral research cooperation project between Slovenia and Turkey (BI-TR/08-10-004), 2008–2010: The role of translation in the processes of globalization in Slovenia and Turkey, research team member
  • Bilateral research cooperation project between Slovenia and Croatia (BI-HR/01-03-029), 2001–2003: German newspapers in Slovenia and Croatia in the 19th and 20th centuries, research team member

A project of the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, and the European Social Fund

In a creative way to knowledge 2017–2020; The project entitled: Young translators and their breakthrough in the Slovenian literary market (April 2018–September 2018)

International EU-projects

  • European cultural messengers in time of crisis, project, funded by the BMBF, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and led by the University of Tübingen, 2019–2020,coordinator for Slovenia and researcher on the project
  • Transstar Europa: Raising transcultural, digital and multitransnational competences (530880-LLP-1-2012-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP), EU project led by the University of Tübingen, 2013–2015, coordinator for Slovenia and researcher on the project

Encouraging junior researchers to top-level research work:

  • 2015­–2017: PhD co-supervisor to the candidate Karin Almasy (Translationskultur und ideologische Steuerung in slowenischen Schullesebüchern (1848–1918) / The culture of translation and ideological control in Slovene reading books (1848–1918)) who, after finishing her PhD, started working at the Graz University and is an active researcher in the field of historical translation studies.
  • 2019: PhD co-supervisor to Alexander Rath (The semantic field of adversative connectives in selected translations of Slovene literature into German)
  • 2018–ongoing: Supervisor to the junior researcher Janž Snoj whose research involves studying translations of Polish novels into Slovene.